PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions offer a versatile tool for writing complex queries in a concise and readable manner....

PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs) offer a powerful way to write complex queries with improved readability and efficiency. 

PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

In this guide, we'll delve into the depths of PostgreSQL CTE, exploring their syntax, benefits, and providing practical examples to illustrate their usage.

Understanding PostgreSQL CTE

Common Table Expressions (CTE) in PostgreSQL provide a way to create temporary result sets that can be referenced within a query. They are defined within the scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement, and they are not stored as separate objects in the database. The primary purpose of CTEs is to improve the readability, modularity, and maintainability of complex queries by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. They allow for the creation of named subqueries that can be referenced multiple times within a query, reducing redundancy and making queries easier to understand.

In addition to enhancing query readability, CTE can also improve query performance in certain scenarios by enabling the query optimizer to better understand the structure of the query and optimize execution plans accordingly.

Overall, CTE in PostgreSQL offer a powerful tool for writing and organizing complex SQL queries in a more structured and efficient manner.

Syntax and Structure:

The syntax and structure of Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in PostgreSQL are as follows:

WITH cte_name (column1, column2, ...) AS (
    -- Subquery defining the CTE
    SELECT column1, column2, ...
    FROM your_table
    WHERE condition
-- Main query referencing the CTE
FROM cte_name
WHERE another_condition;

Explanation of the syntax:

  • clause: It introduces the CTE and specifies its name in the example) along with optional column names.
  • keyword: It indicates the beginning of the subquery that defines the CTE.
  • statement: This is the subquery that defines the CTE. It can include filtering conditions, joins, and other SQL operations.
  • Main query: Following the WITH clause, you can use the CTE in the main query. In this example, the CTE is referenced in the FROM clause of the main query, and additional conditions can be applied.

Remember that CTEs are temporary result sets, and they are only valid within the scope of the query in which they are defined. They are a helpful tool for breaking down complex queries into more manageable and readable components.

Basic PostgreSQL CTE Example

let's create a basic example using sample data. Suppose we have a table called with columns , , and . The column contains the ID of the manager for each employee.

-- Sample data creation
CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    employee_name VARCHAR(50),
    manager_id INT
INSERT INTO employees (employee_name, manager_id) VALUES
    ('John Doe', NULL),
    ('Jane Smith', 1),
    ('Bob Johnson', 1),
    ('Alice Williams', 2),
    ('Charlie Brown', 2),
    ('Eve Davis', 3);
-- Basic CTE example
WITH ManagerCTE AS (
        manager_id IS NULL
    m.employee_name AS manager_name
    employees e
    ManagerCTE m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id;

In this example, the CTE is defined to select employees who have no manager (i.e., ). The main query then joins the table with the to retrieve information about each employee and their manager.

The result should look like this:

 employee_id |  employee_name   | manager_id | manager_name
           1 | John Doe          |            |
           2 | Jane Smith        |          1 | John Doe
           3 | Bob Johnson       |          1 | John Doe
           4 | Alice Williams    |          2 | Jane Smith
           5 | Charlie Brown     |          2 | Jane Smith
           6 | Eve Davis         |          3 | Bob Johnson

Recursive Common Table Expression (CTE) 

A recursive Common Table Expression (CTE) in PostgreSQL allows you to perform recursive queries, particularly useful for representing hierarchical or tree-like structures in your data. The recursive CTE consists of two parts: the anchor member and the recursive member.

Let's use a recursive Common Table Expression (CTE) to represent an organizational hierarchy. In this example, we'll modify the table to include a column, forming a hierarchical structure.

-- Sample data creation
CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    employee_name VARCHAR(50),
    manager_id INT REFERENCES employees(employee_id)
INSERT INTO employees (employee_name, manager_id) VALUES
    ('CEO', NULL),
    ('CTO', 1),
    ('Engineering Manager', 2),
    ('Lead Developer', 3),
    ('Software Engineer', 4),
    ('CFO', 1),
    ('Finance Manager', 6),
    ('Accountant', 7);
-- Recursive CTE example
WITH RECURSIVE OrganizationHierarchy AS (
        1 AS level
        manager_id IS NULL
        oh.level + 1
        employees e
        OrganizationHierarchy oh ON e.manager_id = oh.employee_id
    level, employee_id;

In this example, the recursive CTE is defined with the initial seed query selecting employees with . The recursive part follows, joining employees with their managers based on the previous level of the hierarchy. The main query selects information from the CTE, including the employee ID, name, manager ID, and the level in the organizational hierarchy. The in the CTE is essential for recursion, and the recursion stops when there are no more matching rows.

The result should look like this:

employee_id |  employee_name       | manager_id | level
           1 | CEO                  |            |     1
           2 | CTO                  |          1 |     2
           3 | Engineering Manager  |          2 |     3
           4 | Lead Developer       |          3 |     4
           5 | Software Engineer    |          4 |     5
           6 | CFO                  |          1 |     2
           7 | Finance Manager      |          6 |     3
           8 | Accountant           |          7 |     4

PostgreSQL CTE for Data Transformation

Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are powerful for data transformation in PostgreSQL. They allow you to break down complex transformations into modular, more readable parts. Here's an example of using CTEs for data transformation:

Suppose you have a table with columns , , and . You want to transform the data to show the total revenue per product for each month. Here's how you can use CTEs for this task:

-- Sample data creation
    product_id INT,
    sale_date DATE,
    revenue DECIMAL(10, 2)
INSERT INTO sales (product_id, sale_date, revenue) VALUES
    (1, '2022-01-15', 100.50),
    (1, '2022-01-20', 150.75),
    (2, '2022-02-10', 200.00),
    (2, '2022-02-25', 120.25),
    (1, '2022-03-05', 80.30);
-- CTE for data transformation
WITH MonthlyRevenue AS (
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sale_date) AS month,
        SUM(revenue) AS total_revenue
        product_id, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sale_date)
-- Main query
    product_id, month;

The result should look like this:

 product_id | month | total_revenue
          1 |     1 |        251.25
          1 |     3 |         80.30
          2 |     2 |        320.25

In this example, the main query selects the transformed data from the MonthlyRevenue CTE, including product_id, month, and total_revenue. The results are ordered by product_id and month.

This is a simple example, but CTEs become especially useful when dealing with more complex transformations or when you need to reuse parts of your queries. They contribute to better code organization and readability.

Best Practices and Optimization 

When working with Common Table Expressions (CTE) in PostgreSQL, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure efficient execution and maintainable code. Here are some best practices and optimization tips:

  1. Use CTEs for Readability: CTEs are excellent for improving the readability of complex queries. Use them to break down large queries into smaller, logically separated parts. This enhances code organization and makes it easier to understand.
  2. Choose Between Recursive and Non-Recursive CTEs: Choose the type of CTE (recursive or non-recursive) based on the nature of your data and the requirements of your query. Recursive CTEs are suitable for hierarchical structures, while non-recursive CTEs are useful for standard data manipulation.
  3. Optimize Recursive CTEs for Performance: When using recursive CTEs, ensure that your query is optimized to avoid performance issues. Pay attention to the recursive join condition and make sure it's efficient.
  4. Indexes and Statistics: Ensure that relevant columns used in join conditions or WHERE clauses are indexed. Indexes can significantly improve the performance of CTEs. Also, make sure that PostgreSQL has up-to-date statistics for optimal query planning.
  5. Limit the Number of Recursive Iterations: In recursive CTEs, use the clause or include a condition to limit the number of recursive iterations. This prevents unintentional infinite recursion and improves performance.
  6.   WITH RECURSIVE EmployeeHierarchy AS (
           SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 1 AS level
           FROM employees
           WHERE manager_id IS NULL
           UNION ALL
           SELECT e.employee_id, e.manager_id, eh.level + 1
           FROM employees e
           JOIN EmployeeHierarchy eh ON e.manager_id = eh.employee_id
           WHERE eh.level < 10 -- Limit the number of iterations
       FROM EmployeeHierarchy;
  7. Test and Analyze Execution Plans: Use PostgreSQL  command to analyze the execution plan for your queries. This helps you understand how PostgreSQL is processing your CTEs and identify potential bottlenecks.
  8. Avoid Using CTEs for Small Queries: For small and simple queries, using CTEs might add unnecessary complexity. Reserve the use of CTEs for scenarios where they genuinely improve code readability and organization.
  9. Combine CTEs with Other Optimization Techniques: Consider combining CTEs with other optimization techniques, such as proper indexing, appropriate table partitioning, and query caching, to achieve the best performance.

Remember that the effectiveness of these practices may vary depending on the specific characteristics of your data and the complexity of your queries. Regularly review and test your queries to ensure optimal performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.


PostgreSQL Common Table Expressions offer a versatile tool for writing complex queries in a concise and readable manner. By mastering CTE, PostgreSQL developers can unlock new levels of query optimization and efficiency, making their database applications more robust and scalable.