Python Multiple Inheritance

Python's support for multiple inheritance provides a powerful mechanism for creating flexible and modular code. By carefully understanding method...

Python, a versatile and dynamic programming language, supports multiple inheritance – a powerful feature allowing a class to inherit from more than one base class. 

Python Multiple Inheritance

In this article, we'll explore the intricacies of Python multiple inheritance, discussing its syntax, potential challenges, and providing illustrative examples to facilitate a comprehensive understanding.

Understanding Multiple Inheritance in Python

In Python, a class can inherit from more than one class, forming a hierarchy of relationships. This feature enables a child class to inherit attributes and methods from multiple parent classes, allowing for a more modular and reusable code structure.

Basic Syntax

Multiple inheritance in Python is achieved by specifying more than one class in the class definition.

class BaseClass1:

    # Class definition

class BaseClass2:

    # Class definition

class DerivedClass(BaseClass1, BaseClass2):

    # Class definition

In this example, inherits from both and . This means that has access to the attributes and methods of both base classes.

Combining Features from Different Classes

Let's consider a scenario where we have a class and a class. Using multiple inheritance, we can create a class that inherits from both and .

class Person:

    def __init__(self, name, age): = name

        self.age = age

class Employee:

    def __init__(self, emp_id, salary):

        self.emp_id = emp_id

        self.salary = salary

class Manager(Person, Employee):

    def __init__(self, name, age, emp_id, salary, team_size):

        # Calling constructors of base classes

        Person.__init__(self, name, age)

        Employee.__init__(self, emp_id, salary)

        self.team_size = team_size

# Creating an instance of Manager

manager = Manager("John Doe", 35, "M123", 80000, 10)

In this example, inherits attributes from both and , allowing us to create a cohesive representation of a managerial role.

Method Resolution Order (MRO):

When dealing with multiple inheritance, it’s essential to understand the Method Resolution Order (MRO), which defines the sequence in which base classes are searched when looking for a method in a derived class.

Python employs a method resolution order to determine the sequence in which base classes are searched when a method is called on an instance. The method or the attribute can be used to inspect this order.

class A:

    def show(self):


class B(A):

    def show(self):


class C(A):

    def show(self):


class D(B, C):


# Output: D, B, C, A


In this example, the method resolution order for class is . If a method is not found in , it looks in , then in , and finally in .

Challenges and Best Practices

  • Diamond Problem: Multiple inheritance can introduce complexities, such as the diamond problem, where ambiguity arises if a method is overridden in both parent classes.
  • Use Composition when Appropriate: In some cases, composition (using objects of other classes) might be a cleaner solution than multiple inheritance to avoid complications.

Diamond Problem and Method Resolution

Multiple inheritance can introduce challenges, such as the infamous “Diamond Problem.” This occurs when a class inherits from two classes that have a common ancestor, leading to ambiguity in method resolution.

Consider the following example:

class A:

    def method(self):

        print("Method from class A")

class B(A):

    def method(self):

        print("Method from class B")

class C(A):

    def method(self):

        print("Method from class C")

class D(B, C):


In this case, if we create an instance of class D and call the method, which implementation should be used? Python addresses this by following the MRO. In this example, the MRO for class D is D -> B -> C -> A -> object. Therefore, calling method on an instance of D will use the implementation from class B.

d_instance = D()
d_instance.method()  # Output: Method from class B

Handling the Diamond Problem: Super() Function

Python provides the function, a powerful tool for resolving the Diamond Problem and managing method calls in multiple inheritance scenarios.

Let’s modify the previous example to use super():

class A:

    def method(self):

        print("Method from class A")

class B(A):

    def method(self):

        print("Method from class B")


class C(A):

    def method(self):

        print("Method from class C")


class D(B, C):


Now, calling method on an instance of D will invoke the methods in a consistent and predictable manner, following the MRO.

d_instance = D()


# Output:

# Method from class B

# Method from class C

# Method from class A

Real-world Example: GUI Frameworks

A practical application of multiple inheritance is seen in GUI frameworks. Consider a class hierarchy for GUI elements:

class Clickable:

    def click(self):


class Draggable:

    def drag(self):


class Button(Clickable):

    def render(self):

        print("Rendering Button")

class DragAndDropButton(Button, Draggable):


Here, inherits from both Button and Draggable, combining the features of a clickable button and a draggable element.

gui_button = DragAndDropButton()

gui_button.render()  # Output: Rendering Button   # Output: Clicked

gui_button.drag()    # Output: Dragged

Advantages of Multiple Inheritance

  1. Code Reusability: Multiple inheritance allows classes to inherit functionality from different sources, promoting code reuse and reducing redundancy.
  2. Modularity: By breaking down functionality into smaller, specialized classes, each handling a specific aspect, multiple inheritance supports a modular code structure.
  3. Versatility: Developers have the flexibility to combine features from diverse classes, creating classes with unique combinations of functionalities.


Python's support for multiple inheritance provides a powerful mechanism for creating flexible and modular code. By carefully understanding method resolution order, handling potential challenges, and using it judiciously, developers can leverage the full potential of multiple inheritance in Python to build elegant and efficient class hierarchies. As with any powerful feature, it's crucial to weigh its benefits against potential complexities, ensuring that your code remains readable, maintainable, and scalable.