PostgreSQL ORDER BY Clause

ORDER BY clause in PostgreSQL is a versatile tool for arranging query results according to specific criteria. Whether it's sorting in ascending....

Understanding the versatility of the clause in PostgreSQL is crucial for tailoring your query results. Whether you're dealing with simple sorting, handling NULL values, ordering by multiple columns, using aliases, sorting by expressions, or dealing with collations for linguistic considerations, PostgreSQL's ORDER BY clause provides a comprehensive set of tools.


In this discussion, we'll explore the syntax of the PostgreSQL clause and provide examples to illustrate its usage.


is a crucial clause in PostgreSQL that allows you to sort the result set of a query based on one or more columns. Sorting is essential for organizing data in a meaningful way, facilitating easier analysis and comprehension. 


The basic syntax of the PostgreSQL clause is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name

ORDER BY column1 [ASC | DESC], column2 [ASC | DESC], ...;

  • : Specifies the columns you want to retrieve.
  • : Specifies the table from which to retrieve the data.
  • : Specifies the sorting order.
  • : Ascending order (default if not specified).
  • : Descending order.

Sorting in Ascending Order

 SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name

 FROM employees

 ORDER BY employee_id;

This query retrieves employee details from the table, ordered by their IDs in ascending order.

Sorting in Descending Order

 SELECT product_name, unit_price

 FROM products

 ORDER BY unit_price DESC;

Here, the query retrieves product names and unit prices from the table, sorted by unit price in descending order.

Sorting by Multiple Columns

 SELECT department_id, salary, employee_name

 FROM payroll

 ORDER BY department_id, salary DESC;

This example orders payroll information by department ID in ascending order and then by salary in descending order.

Sorting with NULL Values

 SELECT student_name, exam_score

 FROM exam_results


In this case, the query sorts students based on exam scores in descending order, with values placed at the end.

Using Column Aliases in ORDER BY

 SELECT product_name AS "Product", category_id AS "Category"

 FROM inventory

 ORDER BY "Category", "Product";

The query renames columns using aliases and then orders the results by category and product names.

Sorting by Expressions

 SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, (salary * 1.1) AS "Increased Salary"

 FROM employees

 ORDER BY "Increased Salary" DESC;

Demonstrating sorting based on an expression, the query orders employees by their increased salary (10% raise).

Sorting by Case-insensitive Alphabetic Order

SELECT product_name

FROM products

ORDER BY product_name COLLATE "en_US";

This query orders product names in case-insensitive alphabetic order, using the collation.

In summary, the clause in PostgreSQL is a versatile tool for arranging query results according to specific criteria. Whether it's sorting in ascending or descending order, handling NULL values, or ordering by expressions, understanding the various aspects of enhances your ability to extract and present data effectively.