Arc Programming Language: history, features, application, Why learn?

Through this article you will learn what is Arc programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn Arc Lang.....

Introduction to Arc Programming Language

Today, we will discuss about the basics of Arc programming language. In this article, you will learn what is Arc programming language, what are its features, history, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start the topic with what is Arc programming language.

Arc Programming Language: history, features, application, Why learn?

What is Arc Programming Language?

Arc is a modern and simple programming language. Arc programming language belongs to the family of Lisp Programming Language. Arc programming language is developed as an open source programming language and licensed under Artistic 2.0 License. Anyone can download and use Arc programming language for free from its official website. Arc programming language is a multi paradigm programming language as it supports different programming paradigms like imperative, meta and procedural programming language. Arc programming language supports all features and functions of functional programming language. Arc programming language is a dynamically typed computer programming language. Arc programming language is written in Racket programming language and the concept of developing Arc programming language was taken from Lisp and Scheme programming language. Arc programming language runs on IA-32 and x86-64 platforms and in terms of operating system, Arc programming language can be used on Linux operating system.

History of Arc Programming Language

Now, let's discuss the history of Arc programming language. Here, we will learn about who designed Arc programming language and in which year Arc programming language was officially released.

Arc programming language was designed by Paul Graham in the year 2001. And in 2008, Arc programming language was developed by Paul Graham, Robert Morris and Arc community. Arc programming language was developed as an open source programming language and licensed under Artistic 2.0 license. The first version of Arc programming language was officially introduced on 29 January 2008 and the stable version of Arc programming language which is version 3.2 was released on 28 October 2018. 

Features of Arc Programming Language

Arc programming language provides various features to its users which makes it one of the popular programming language. So, now let's discuss these features of Arc programming language

1. Lisp family

Arc programming language belongs to the family of Lisp programming language.

2. Multi paradigm

Arc programming language is a multi paradigm programming language as it supports different programming paradigms like imperative, meta and procedural programming language. 

3. Simple

Arc is a modern and simple programming language.

4. Open source

Arc programming language is developed as an open source programming language and licensed under Artistic 2.0 License. Anyone can download and use Arc programming language for free from its official website.

5. Typing disciplines

Arc programming language is a dynamically typed computer programming language.

6. Functional programming language

Arc programming language supports all features and functions of functional programming language.

7. Platform

Arc programming language runs on IA-32 and x86-64 platforms and in terms of operating system, Arc programming language can be used on Linux operating system.

Applications of Arc Programming Language

We have discussed the features of Arc programming language. Now, let's talk about the applications of Arc programming language.

Arc programming language belongs to the family of Lisp programming language. Arc programming language is a dynamically typed computer programming language. Arc programming language is developed as an open source programming language and licensed under Artistic 2.0 License. Anyone can download and use Arc programming language for free from its official website. Arc programming language runs on IA-32 and x86-64 platforms and in terms of operating system, Arc programming language can be used on Linux operating system.

Why should we learn Arc Programming Language

You all must be wondering why should we learn Arc programming language or what are the advantages of learning Arc programming language. So, now let's briefly discuss the advantages of learning Arc programming language.

• Arc programming language is a simple programming language.

• Arc programming language is a dynamically typed programming language.

• Arc programming language is a multi paradigm programming language.

• Arc programming language runs on Linux operating system.

• Arc programming language is a functional programming language.

• Arc programming language is developed as an open source programming language.

• Arc programming language belongs to the Lisp family.


Above we have discussed the basics of Arc programming language. Through this article we have learnt what is Arc programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it or what are the advantages of learning Arc programming language. Arc programming language was designed by Paul Graham in the year 2001. And in 2008, Arc programming language was developed by Paul Graham, Robert Morris and Arc community. Arc programming language was developed as an open source programming language and licensed under Artistic 2.0 license. Arc programming language belongs to the family of Lisp programming language. I hope this information related to Arc programming language is helpful to you all.