Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

Through this article you have learnt Step by Step Guide to Download and Install Dev C++ for Windows 10 - - C++ IDE installation Tutorial
5 min read

Hey beautiful people, are you really looking tutorial for Dev C++ download for Windows 10 - If yes, then stay tuned with this article because today we'll talk about C++ IDE installation tutorial.

On the Internet, you will find many source code editors and compilers to write C++ programming languages ​​like Turbo C++, CODE::BLOCKS, Notepad++, etc and among these Dev C++ is also a good editor and compiler.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

Let's discuss the tutorial of Dev C++ Download for Windows 10 but before that let's take a look on Dev C++ meaning and Dev C++ features.

What is Dev C++?

Dev C++ is a free, portable, fast and fully featured IDE (integrated development environment) for C and C++ programming language which comes under General Public License (GNU). Dev C++ is initially developed by Bloodshed Software (Colin Laplace) and its first version was initially released in 1998. It is good to say that Dev C++ is the most used IDE for C and C++ in various universities and schools around the world. Dev C++ is only supported in Windows OS including Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, 7, 8 and Windows 10.

Dev C++ Features list

We have discussed what is Dev C++, now let's learn the main features of Dev C++.

• It is extremely free and portable C/C++ IDE for Windows users.

• Dev C++ is supported in 30+ language.

• Dev C++ Supports GCC-based compilers including Mingw, Cygwin and many more, which helps you to compile your written C/C++ language in easy way.

• With this IDE you can easily create Windows GUI and console apps, static libraries and DLLs.

• Dev C++ is fully Customizable code editor.

Step by Step Guide to Download and Install Dev C++ for Windows 10

You will get to see many IDEs on the Internet, with the help of which you will be able to write and compile C or C ++ programming language, One of which is Dev C++. Let's know how can we install and download Dev C++ IDE on Windows 10.

• Download Dev C++ exe file for Windows

To write and compile the C/C++ programming language, you need to download Dev C++. For that you have to first go to any search engine and search "Dev C++ download".

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

NOTE : In this tutorial we are using Google search engine, you can use any search engine as per your convenience.

After typing Dev C ++ download, you will get many results on the result page, you just have to click on the first link and open it. 

Now you have reached the official downloading website of Dev C++, where you have to download Dev C++ exe file by clicking on the download button.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

After clicking Dev C++ download button, file downloading option will pop-up on your screen. Simply click on "SAVE" button and it will automatically start downloading Dev c++ exe file. If you are facing any problem in downloading Dev C++ IDE then Click here for Dev C++ download.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

• Setup Dev C++ 

Now, just open downloads folder and click on Dev C++ exe file. After clicking this, Installer language option will pop-up on screen where you have to select language for Dev C++. Just choose your language and Click on "OK" button to continue. 

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

After choosing language for Dev C++, license agreement Pop-up will appear on your computer screen which you have to read carefully. After reading this, click on "I agree" button to continue installing process.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

Note : Please review the license terms before installing Dev C++ 5.11 version.

Now, select the components that you want to install as the features of Dev C++ 5.11 or else you can also go with its default settings. After choosing Dev C++ components just click on "Next" to continue installing process.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

• Install Dev C++ IDE

Huraahhh!! Dev C++ is ready to install on windows 10. Simply choose the location in which to install Dev C++ 5.11 on your Windows PC. After browsing Dev C++ location, just click on "Install" button to continue installing process. 

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

Note one thing that Dev C++ requires 346.8 MB of space before installing on your Windows PC. After hitting the install button it will take few seconds to get installed on your Windows PC.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

• Configure Dev C++ 

In this step, you have to configured Dev C++ IDE - just open the Dev C++ application and select and configure Dev C++ theme by choosing Font , color and icon. After selecting perfect theme click on "NEXT" to continue.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

Now, choose language for Dev C++ IDE - It supports 30+ languages including English, French, Chinese, Dutch and much more. After choosing language simply click on "NEXT" button to continue.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

Congratulations!! Dev C++ is configured successfully. Now you can start writing C/C++ programming language with Dev C++ IDE.

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

You can also download Dev C++ packages like library and tools. For that, Simply open Dev C++ IDE then find tool menu and click on "Check for packages" to download latest Dev C++ packages.

• Print "Hello World" in C++ on Dev C++ IDE

After installing Dev C++ on windows 10, its time to start writing C++ on Dev C++ IDE. So let's start with print "hello world" in C++ on Dev C++ IDE.

Simply paste this code on Dev C++ source code editor :

// Your First C++ Program

#include <iostream>

int main() {

    std::cout << "Hello World!";

    return 0;


For printing this "HELLO WORLD" output, you have to compile this code. Simply go to "execute" menu and select "Compile" option or you can also compile code in Dev C++ by pressing ( Ctrl+F9) key. 

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial

After compiling the C++ code you can easily see the output which will look something like this;

Dev C++ download for windows 10 - C++ IDE installation Tutorial


Above we have discussed the tutorial for Dev C++ download for Windows 10. Through this article you have learnt Step by Step Guide to Download and Install Dev C++ for Windows 10. Dev C++ is a free, portable, fast and fully featured IDE (integrated development environment) for C and C++ programming language which comes under General Public License (GNU). Dev C++ is initially developed by Bloodshed Software (Colin Laplace) and its first version was initially released in 1998. It is good to say that Dev C++ is the most used IDE for C and C++ in various universities and schools around the world. By following above mentioned steps you can easily download and install Dev C++ on your Windows PC. I hope this information will be helpful to you all.

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