Boo Programming Language: history, features, applications, Why learn?

Through this article we will discussed what is Boo programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn boo lang.

Introduction to Boo Programming Language

As we all aware of the fact that there are various computer programming language present in today's world. And here, we will learn about one of these programming languages i.e. Boo programming language. Today, we will discuss the basics of Boo programming language. In this article you will learn what is Boo programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start the topic with the meaning of Boo programming language.

Boo Programming Language: history, features, applications, Why learn?

What is Boo Programming Language?

Boo is powerful and modern high level programming language. Boo programming language is developed as an open source programming language which means that it can be used and download by anyone for free from its official website and Boo programming language was licensed under BSD 3-Clauses License. Boo programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used in developing different applications, programs, softwares, etc. Boo programming language is considered as an object oriented programming language because it supports all features of object oriented programming and follows all concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and encapsulation, etc. And in terms of typing disciplines, Boo programming language uses different typing disciplines like static, strong, inferred and duck. The concept of developing Boo programming language was taken from many other programming languages like C# and Python programming language and the syntax of Boo programming language are inspired from the syntax of Python programming language. Boo programming language provides the feature of powerful extensibility and along with this, Boo also provides the feature of first class functions. Boo programming language uses Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in order to run on different computer platforms. And Boo programming language is compatible with Mono and .NET framework. 

History of Boo Programming Language

Now, we will talk about who designed Boo programming language and in which year Boo programming language was officially released to public. There are various interesting facts related to the history of Boo programming language so, now let's briefly discuss the history of Boo programming language.

Rodrigo B. De Oliveira is known as the father of Boo programming language. Rodrigo B. De Oliveira designed and developed Boo programming language in the year 2003. Boo programming language was developed as an open source programming language and it is licensed under BSD 3-Clauses License. The first version of Boo programming language was publically introduced in 2003 and the stable version of Boo programming language which is version 0.9.7 was officially released on 25 March 2013. Until 2014, Boo programming language was used in Unity Gaming Engine. 

Features of Boo Programming Language

Boo programming language provides many features to its users which makes Boo one of the popular programming language. So, let's discuss in detail about the main features of Boo programming language.

1. High level programming language

Boo is powerful and modern high level programming language.

2. General purpose

Boo programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used in developing different applications, programs, softwares, etc.

3. Open source

Boo programming language is developed as an open source programming language which means that it can be used and download by anyone for free from its official website and Boo programming language was licensed under BSD 3-Clauses License.

4. Typing disciplines

Boo programming language uses different typing disciplines like static, strong, inferred and duck.

5. Object oriented

Boo programming language is considered as an object oriented programming language because it supports all features of object oriented programming and follows all concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and encapsulation, etc.

6. Platform

Boo programming language uses Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in order to run on different computer platforms.

7. Compatibility

Boo programming language is compatible with Mono and .NET framework. 

8. Python inspired Syntax

The syntax of Boo programming language are inspired from the syntax of Python programming language.

Applications of Boo Programming Language

We have discussed the features of Boo programming language. Now, let's briefly discuss the applications of Boo programming language.

Boo programming language is developed as an open source programming language which means that it can be used and download by anyone for free from its official website and Boo programming language was licensed under BSD 3-Clauses License. Boo programming language provides the feature of powerful extensibility and along with this, Boo also provides the feature of first class functions. Boo programming language uses Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in order to run on different computer platforms. And Boo programming language is compatible with Mono and .NET framework. Boo programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used in developing different applications, programs, softwares, etc. Until 2014, Boo programming language was used in Unity Gaming Engine. 

Why should we learn Boo Programming Language?

You all must be wondering why should we learn Boo programming language or what are the advantages of learning Boo programming language. So, let's briefly discuss the advantages of learning Boo programming language.

• Boo Programming Language is a high level modern programming language.

• Boo programming language is an open source programming language.

• Boo programming language provides the feature of powerful extensibility.

• Boo also provides the feature of first class functions.

• Boo programming language is compatible with Mono and .NET framework.

• Boo programming language is a statically typed programming language. 

• Boo programming language is considered as object oriented programming language.

• The syntax of Boo programming language are inspired from the syntax of Python programming language.


From above discussion we have learnt about the basics of Boo Programming Language. Through this article we have discussed what is Boo programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it or what are the advantages of learning Boo programming language. Rodrigo B. De Oliveira is known as the father of Boo programming language. Rodrigo B. De Oliveira designed and developed Boo programming language in the year 2003. Boo programming language was developed as an open source programming language and it is licensed under BSD 3-Clauses License. Boo programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used in developing different applications, programs, softwares, etc. Until 2014, Boo programming language was used in Unity Gaming Engine.  I hope this article related to Boo programming language is helpful to you all.