Haskell programming language: History, Features and Applications

Through this article you have learnt about the meaning of Haskell programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn..

Introduction to Haskell Programming Language.

Today, we will discuss about some basics of Haskell Programming Language. Through this article you will know the meaning of Haskell Programming Language, its features, history, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start the article with the meaning of Haskell programming language.

Haskell programming language: History, Features and Applications

What is Haskell Programming Language?

Haskell is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which was designed with a aim to develop a fully functional programming language for free. Haskell programming language is an open source programming language since its origin. Haskell programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means programmers can run it on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Unix, etc. Haskell programming language also supports different types of typing disciplines like static, strong and inferred. 

Haskell is a widely used programming language which was designed for the purpose of teaching, industrial applications and research. Haskell programming language is more intelligent programming language in comparison to other programming languages. Haskell is mostly used in list processing and symbolic computations. Haskell programming language is also used in data analysis. 

Haskell programming language provides the feature of memory safety, libraries and lazy computations. Haskell programming language is a compiled and easy to maintain programming language.

History of Haskell Programming Language

You all must be curious about the history of Haskell Programming Language and must be wondering who developed Haskell programming language. The history of Haskell programming language includes various interesting facts. So, let's discuss in detail about the history of Haskell programming language. 

Haskell programming language was designed and developed in early 1990s by a community of programmers and developers with the main purpose of developing a fully functional programming language for free. The Developer named the Haskell programming language after the name of Haskell Brooks Curry, a American logician. The first version of Haskell programming language i.e. version 1.0 was introduced in 1990 and the latest version of Haskell programming language was released in July, 2010.

Features of Haskell Programming Language

Haskell programming language provides different features to its users which makes it one of the most popular programming language of its time. So, let's discuss in detail about the main features of Haskell programming language.

1. Functional programming

Haskell programming language was designed with a aim to develop a fully functional programming language for free.

2. Cross platform

Haskell programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means programmers can run it on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Unix, etc.

3. General purpose

Haskell is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that programmers can use it in developing different types of applications and programs.

4. Libraries

Haskell programming language also provides a vast range of libraries for every program.

5. Memory safety

Haskell programming language also provides the feature of memory safety to its users. The memory management of Haskell programming language are similar to many other programming languages like Go, Python and Rust.

6. Typing disciplines

Haskell programming language also supports different types of typing disciplines like static, strong and inferred.

7. Easy to maintain

Haskell programming language is a multi purpose programming language which is easy to maintain without spending much amount.

8. Open source

Haskell programming language is an open source programming language since its origin which means that anyone can use and download it from its official website for free.

Applications of Haskell Programming Language

After discussing the features of Haskell programming language now we will discuss the applications of Haskell programming language. So, let's start!! 

Haskell programming language was designed with a aim to develop a fully functional programming language for free. Haskell programming language is an open source programming language since its origin which means that anyone can use and download it from its official website for free. Haskell programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means programmers can run it on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Unix, etc. 

Haskell is a widely used programming language which was designed for the purpose of teaching, industrial applications and research. Haskell is also mostly used in list processing and symbolic computations. Haskell programming language is also used in data analysis. There are various companies which uses Haskell programming language such as Bank of America, IBM, Barclays Capital, Twitter, Microsoft and Facebook, etc.

Why should we learn Haskell programming language or what are the advantages of Haskell programming language?

You all must be wondering why should we learn Haskell programming language or what are the advantages of learning Haskell programming language. Don't worry here you will get all answers to your queries. So, let's discuss in detail about the advantages of learning Haskell programming language.

• In Haskell programming language you have to learn simple concepts.

• Haskell programming language is more intelligent programming language in comparison to other programming languages.

• It is easy to maintain Haskell programming language without spending much money.

• Haskell programming language can be used in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Unix, etc.

• Haskell programming language provides the feature of memory safety, libraries and lazy computations.

• Haskell programming language is a fully functional free programming language.

• Haskell programming language provides the feature of memory safety.

• Haskell programming language is a complied programming language.


Above we have discussed about the basics of Haskell programming language. Through this article you have learnt about the meaning of Haskell programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it or what are the advantages of learning Haskell programming language. Haskell programming language is an open source and pure functional programming language which was designed for the purpose of teaching, industrial applications and research. Haskell programming language is a multi purpose programming language which is easy to maintain without spending much amount. Haskell programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language. Haskell is mostly used in list processing and symbolic computations. I hope this information related to Haskell programming language will be helpful to you all.