Python Programming language: Usage, Features, Python 2 Vs Python 3

Python is a powerful, easy to learn and an open source programming language. In this article we will discuss about history, why it called? Usage, etc.

Introduction to Python programming language

All the applications or software that run on computers and mobile phones are made with the help of some programming languages. Nowadays you will get to see many programming languages ​​like java, C, C++, python, Swift etc. These are all computer languages ​​written and understood by developers in order to develop any program. Every language has different features which make them unique and different from other programming languages. As the technological world is changing, many changes are also taking place in these programming languages. Python is one the popular programming language which provides great features to the users.

Python Programming language: Usage, Features, Python 2 Vs Python 3

Today, through this article, we will learn whole-heartedly about python programming language.

So Let's dive in..!

What is python Programming language?

Python is a powerful, easy to learn and an open source Programming Language a high level general purpose programming language which means that it can be used for developing other types of software and applications besides web development. And object oriented approach of python helps the developers or programmers to write logical and clear codes for different projects. 

It is a dynamic programming language which supports the feature of garbage collector. Python is one of the most popular and fastest growing programming language. In the development of python there are no compilation steps are involved which makes the development and debugging quick.

History of Python Programming language

Now let's discuss about the facts and history related to Python programming language. In 1980, Guido Van Rossum started the development of python and in December 1989 implementation of python was begun at Centrum Wiskunde and Informatica (CWI) in Netherlands. Python was ultimately released in 1991. The idea of developing Python programming language was taken from ABC programming language, in other words we can say that Python is the successor of ABC programming language. Python 1.0 was released in 1994 with some added features, then in 2000 Python was released with new features and after that Python 3.0 was released in December 2008.

Why it is called Python Programming language?

You might also be wondering how Python got its name. So here is the answer, Python got its name after the name of Monty Python. There is a fact behind the name of python. During the implementation of Python, Guido Van Rossum was reading the published script of famous BBC comedy series that is "Monty Python's Flying Circus". And Van Rossum wanted to choose a mysterious, sort and unique name so he decided to choose the name Python after "Monty Python's Flying Circus" comedy series for their programming language.

Features of Python Programming language

There are many features that makes Python famous and valuable as compared to other programming language. Here are some of the essential features of Python are listed below:

1. Easy to learn and use

The syntax of python are state forward and much of them rsms English language which makes it easy to learn and used in comparison of other programming languages. That is why Python programming language is recommended for beginners.

2. Object oriented language

Python supports the object-oriented programming language features such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, etc. With the help of object oriented procedures programmers or developers can reuse codes and work more with less codes.

3. Cross platform language

Python is a portable programming language as it can run equally on various platforms like UNIX, windows, Linux, and Macintosh, etc. Programmers can develop softwares for several platforms just by writing a program once in Python programming language.

4. Dynamic memory allocation

 Specification of data type of the variable is not needed in Python programming language because at run time it can automatically allocates memory of the variable.

5. GUI programming support

GUI stands for graphical user interface which is used in the development of desktop applications. For the development of web applications PyQT5, Kivy and Tkinter libraries are used.

6. Expressive language

With Python, programmers can do complex tasks just by using few lines of code. Python takes only one or two lines to execute a program whereas Java or C takes multiple lines to execute same program.

7. Extensible

Its means that programmers can use other programming languages to convert codes written in python. And it turns the program into bytecode so that any platform can make use of it.

8. Free and open source 

Python is available at free of cost on its official website. Tum ek the Python module and function a large community is dedicated working across the world and anyone can contribute to the community. Python is an open-source programming language which means that everyone can download its source code without spending any money.

9. Embeddable

Python can embed other programming language into its code which means programmers can use Python source code in other programming language and similarly they can use the code of other programming language in the Python source code.

10. Large standard library

Python provide a wide collection of libraries for different specialities like web developer, machine, learning, and scripting, etc. There are are many libraries for machine learning like Pandas, Numpy, Tensor flow and Keras, etc. And some of the famous framework for web development of Python are flask, Django, Pyramids, etc.

11. Interpreted language

Python is an interpreted programming language which means that in Python programming one line is executed at a time. And it gives the advantage of of making debug easy and portable.

12. Integrated

It means the Python can be easily combine with other programming languages like Java, C and C++. Like Java,C and C++, Python also runs code line by line which makes debugging easier.

Usage of Python Programming language

Python Programming language: Usage, Features, Python 2 Vs Python 3

Python is a general purpose high-level and open-source programming language which has gained popularity due to its easy syntax, user-friendly environment and simplicity. And it is applicable in approx every software development domain. The uses of pythons are explained as follows:

1. Console based applications

Console based applications are computer program which uses command for execution. Python can easily develop these types of applications as it has the Read Eval Print Loop which is most suitable for these type of applications. And Python also provide several free libraries which are used to build command line applications.

2. Enterprise applications

Python is also used to create application which are used in an organisation or an enterprise. Example of some real time applications are Picalo, OpenERP, Tryton, etc.

3. Web applications

Python is used by the programmers to develop web applications. There are various libraries available in Python to handle internet protocols like ok JSCON, request, Feedparser, beautifutSoup, HTML and XML, etc. Python provides different types of useful web frameworks such as flask and bottle, Django and Pyramid framework, etc.

4. Image processing applications

Python provides different libraries that can be used to create image processing applications. According to our requirement, an image can be manipulated. Example of image processing libraries are: SimpleITK, OpenCV, Pillow, etc.

5. Business applications

Python provides the feature of extensibility, scalability and readability which are required in business applications. For the development of business applications of Python programming language provides a Tryton platform.

6. Desktop GUI applications

As we know that GUI stands for graphical user interface which is used in the development of desktop applications. With the help of GUI, interaction become smooth of any applications. There are many GUI libraries in Python which are used to develop different user interface such as Kivy, Pyside, Tkinter, etc.

7. 3D CAD applications

CAD stands for computer aided design and it is used to design architecture related to engineering. With the help of Fandango, HeeksCNC, AnyCAD, RCAM, etc. Python can create a 3D CAD application.

8. Scientific and numeric

For artificial intelligence and machine learning, Python is the most suitable programming language. It provides many scientific and mathematical libraries in order to solve complex calculation such as Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn, etc.

9. Audio and video based applications

Python can effectively perform multiple tasks and multimedia applications are also be created with the use of python. TimPlayer and cpay are the multimedia applications that are made by using Python programming language. Example of multimedia libraries are: Pyglet, QT Phonon and Gstreamer, etc.

10. Software development 

Python is also used in the process of software development. It is used as a support language and also used to built management and control, testing, etc. Some of the example of frameworks are: Buildbot, Apache gumps, SCons, etc.

Tips to learn Python Programming language

Every beginner want to know 'how to learn Python? and proper way to learn python". There are various classes and platforms available on the internet through which you can easily learn Python programming language. And with proper way one can learn Python easily and quickly. So Let's discuss about various tips to learn Python programming language which are as follows: 

1. Purpose of learning Python programming language

Before learning the Python programming language, you should clear your goals. If your goal is not clear then the journey of learning Python will become dull and boring or even you won't be able to make it done with unclear objective. Before starting the journey of learning Python you should select one or two areas according to your choice. Some general areas are: games, artificial intelligence, desktop application, data analysis and processing, etc.

2. Learn basic syntax

The basic and most important step is to learn the syntax before getting deeper into the learning Python programming language. One can easily learn its syntax in minimum period of time because it has simple syntax like English language. And after learning syntax properly further learning of python will become easier and quicker.

3. Write Code by own

Try to write down code on the paper as it is the most effective way to learn Python programming language. It will help you to get quickly familiar with the syntax of python.

4. Make notes

One can easily learn different concept and syntax of python by making notes on their own. It will help you to focus and learn fast. It also brings stability in an individual which have them to become Python developers.

5. Share your knowledge

In order to learn something you should share it with others. You can share your knowledge with others through blog post, teaching them or recording videos, etc. It will increase your understanding and you can also explore your flaws.

6. Discover frameworks and libraries

Python provides a vast range of frameworks and libraries. After learning the basic concept of python, try to explore different frameworks and libraries of python. Libraries are used in domain specific projects. Some example of the Python libraries are Django, Flask, Tensor flow, Keras and Pandas, etc.

Python 2 Vs Python 3

What is Python 2?

Python 2 was invented in 2000 to process code development more easily than the older version. Python 2 received a lot of updates but when its 2.7.18 varitent was launched in March 2020, it was discontinued due to a lot of bugs. 

What is Python 3?

Python 3 is released on December 2008

python 3 was launched for fixing bugs and minor problems in python 2.

Main difference between Python 2 and Python 3

• In comparison to Python 2 syntax, Python 3 syntax is very simple. Syntax of Python 2 is difficult to perceive.

• In Python 2, you need to define unicode with "u" in order to store string value of Unicode. On other hand in Python 3 Unicode is default storing of string.

• In Python 2, rules of ordering comparison are complex in comparison to Python 3.

• Exception of Python 2 have to be enclosed in notations whereas exception of Python 3 have to be enclosed in parenthesis.


 In this article we have learnt about what is python, its history, features, uses and proper way of learning Python programming language. By following these tips you can easily able to learn Python programming language on internet. We have also discussed about how python got its name. I hope this article will clear your doubts and you have learnt about basic concept of python programming language from the above discussed content.